Saeima elections
Izlozēti kandidātu sarakstu numuri 14. Saeimas vēlēšanām

On Friday, 5 August 2022, the numbers of the lists of candidates registered for the 14th Saeima elections were drawn in the Red Hall of the Saeima. The draw determined that the lists of candidates for the 14th Saeima elections will have the following numbers:

Name of the list of candidate

Number of the list of candidate



Latvian Russian Union (Latvijas Krievu savienība)


Greens and Farmers Union (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība)






Christian Progressive Party (Kristīgi Progresīvā Partija)


Social Democratic Party "Harmony" ("Saskaņa" sociāldemokrātiskā partija)


Political party "For Stability!" (Politiskā partija "Stabilitātei!")


Political party "The Power of People's Power" (Politiskā partija "Tautas varas spēks")


Party "United for Latvia" (Partija "Vienoti Latvijai")


National alliance "All for Latvia!"-"For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK" (Nacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"-"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK")




Conservatives (Konservatīvie)


Political party "FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE" (Politiskā partija "KATRAM UN KATRAI")




Development/For! (Attīstībai/Par!)


Alliance for Latvia (Apvienība Latvijai)


"THE UNITED LIST – Latvian Green party, Latvian Regional Alliance, Liepāja party" ("APVIENOTAIS SARAKSTS - Latvijas Zaļā partija, Latvijas Reģionu Apvienība, Liepājas partija")


Political party "Republic" (Politiskā partija "Republika")


The procedure for determining the numbers of the lists of candidates for the Saeima by a lot organised by the Central Election Commission is stipulated in the Law on the Election of the Saeima. Representatives of the lists of candidates registered for the Saeima elections shall take part in the drawing of lots and shall draw lots in the order of registration of the lists of candidates.

The electoral conditions also provide that the number of the list drawn shall be printed on the ballot papers next to the name of the list and that the ballot papers shall be arranged in sets according to the previous numbering for distribution to the voters. Thus, in the set of 14th Saeima ballot papers to be distributed to voters at polling stations, the top ballot paper will contain the ballot paper of "New UNITY" and the bottom ballot paper will contain the ballot paper of the political party "Republic". The list of candidates with the same name has the same number in all constituencies of the Saeima. The drawn list numbers are also generally used by parties and party associations to promote their list during the pre-election period.

For the 14th Saeima elections, 19 lists of candidates have been registered, with a total of 1832 candidates running for 100 seats in the Saeima. Voters can read the submitted lists of candidates, pre-election programmes and information about the candidates on the website

Latvian citizens over 21 years of age on the day of the elections are eligible to run for election in the Saeima elections, provided that they are not subject to any of the restrictions of the Law on the Election of the Saeima. Parties and registered alliances of parties registered in the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia may submit a list of candidates for the Saeima elections. In order to submit a list of candidates, a party had to have been founded no later than one year before the elections and had to have at least 500 members. If an alliance of parties submitted a list of candidates, the parties in the alliance also had to have been founded at least one year before the elections and the association had to have at least 500 members in total. For the 14th Saeima elections, the deadline by which the parties had to be established in order to submit a list of candidates was 30 September 2021.

The number of MPs to be elected in the constituencies was determined by the CEC in proportion to the number of voters in the constituency as registered in the Register of Natural Persons 4 months prior to the election date – 31 May this year. The Law on the Election of the Saeima stipulates that voters residing abroad are to be counted among the electorate of the Riga constituency. The Riga constituency has 36 seats in the 14th Saeima, Vidzeme has 26 seats, Latgale and Zemgale have 13 seats each, and Kurzeme has 12 seats.

Photo: Saeima


Enquiry line for the 14th Saeima elections +371 67049999


CEC Information Department

Tel. +371 20237331